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Education Office

Education office (EDO) consists of three units: International Relations Office (IRO), Student's Office (ESS) and Academic Registry (AUA).

Please see links to our services and information on the Education Office page in Swedish .

The Educational Office consists of three units. Each department are organised in several operational groups.

Together the departments are responsible for:

  • Support KTH management and schools within international ventures and collaborations.
  • Responsible for processes, system support, follow-up, production and statistics within admission, study administration and issuing of degree certificates.
  • Provide information and service to students, employees and the public with generall information about KTH, educational activities, student support, student health and other adminitrative tasks.


Visiting addresses

  • International Relations Office (IRO): Brinellvägen 8, 8th floor, KTH Campus
  • Student service support (ESS): KTH Entré at Drottning Kristinas väg 4, KTH Campus
  • Academic Registry (AUA): Brinellvägen 8, 10th floor, KTH Campus

Postal address

KTH Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm


+46 8 790 60 00

Head of Education Office

For general questions about KTH and studies at KTH:

Ladok support: 

Kopps support:

For events:

For booking of rooms/facilities:


Staff at Education Office

Education Office is part of the University Administration at KTH .