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KTH Library

KTH Library supports students' and researchers' academic and digital skills. The library promotes open access publishing and provides the university with analyses that aid in strategic decision-making. The goal is to enhance the quality of education and research while disseminating KTH’s research. KTH Library is also a central meeting place and a platform for collaboration and engagement.

We can help you with this

We help students, doctoral students, researchers and other staff with various issues when it comes to academic and digital skills. Check our website for more information.

KTH Library website


Visiting address: Osquars backe 31
Postal address: KTH Biblioteket, Osquars backe 25, 100 44 Stockholm
Phone: 08-790 70 88
Chat: See library website

Non-personal e-mail adress​​​​​​​


The office is divided into three main teams, each with a team manager: ​Operational Support and Development, Library Services and Learning Support​​​​​​​ and Publication Infrastructure and Media.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Management team

Maria Haglund
Maria Haglund university librarian
Jonas Axelius-Edgren
Jonas Axelius-Edgren Team manager (on leave)
Camilla Lengborn
Camilla Lengborn Temporary team manager and operations developer
Lars Nordesjö
Lars Nordesjö team manager
Sofia Wirström
Sofia Wirström team manager

See all staff at KTH Library ​​​​​​​

KTH Library is a part of the University Administration at KTH ​​​​​​​.

Library Council

The Library Council ​​​​​​​ is an advisory group that contributes to the development and strategic work of the KTH Library.