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KTH provides Valencia with sustainable energy plan

Group photo of the participants
Published Sep 29, 2022

Bio waste that generates biogas for public transport was one of the suggestions from the winning team that charmed the jury when master students from EGI competed about best proposal for a sustainable energy plan for the Spanish city of Valencia.

The annual competitive challenge engaged 18 groups, 5 students in each, working with their own district of Valencia city. The mission: develop a sustainable energy plan - technically and economically viable - and try to reach as close to zero emissions as possible. The winning team is invited to visit the city to pitch their idea to local stakeholders and decision-makers.

The team that focused on the district Campanar won the challenge, presenting not only one of the best proposals from the technical point of view, but also presented the district and its specific characteristics accurately, according to the Chair of the jury Carla Montagud Montalvá from the Polytechnic University of Valencia:

”The business model that considered to guarantee the collection of bio waste and the generation of biogas to be used in the public transport was really original and innovative. The different scenarios were all interesting and reliable. Finally, the team demonstrated to have excellent communication skills and performed a really good presentation of their project proposal.”

The masters’ course Energy Management is a good example of one of the educational models at KTH, challenge driven education. The students start the course with a mission. The aim is to, in cooperation with society and industry, broaden the student’s ability to cope with analytic and strategic issues related to complex energy systems.

The winning team "Campanar":

Emilie Andersson , Ellinor Hambraeus , Hillevi Höijer , Maxwell Minotta Cuervo , Airat Khairullin

Link to the course

Text: Anna Gullers