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University-wide procedure for the establishment and monitoring of sustainability goals and climate goals with an associated action plan

Policymaker: Sustainability Manager
Valid from: 29 March 2019
Amended as of: 24 February 2023
Registration number: V-2023-0004-03
Responsible for review and queries: KTH Sustainability Office

1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to describe how the university-wide sustainability goals, climate goals and action plan at KTH Royal Institute of Technology are to be established, decided and monitored throughout all KTH activities.

2. Scope/delimitation

The procedure covers all KTH activities.

3. Definitions


Results that are to be achieved.

General sustainability objectives and climate objectives

Objectives that are applicable to all KTH activities and are limited in time.


Targets established to support and achieve the general sustainability goals and climate goals.

Action plan

Includes actions, officers, resources and a schedule to achieve the sustainability objectives and climate objectives. This sets out actions concerning how the general objectives and targets are to be achieved.


Operational Support

4. Responsibilities

  • The President decides on university-wide sustainability objectives and climate objectives and an associated action plan for the whole of KTH.

  • The Sustainability Manager is responsible for ensuring that general sustainability objectives and climate objectives and an action plan are established, and that they are monitored and reported both internally and externally.

  • The University Director and heads of school are responsible for establishing, deciding and monitoring sustainability objectives and climate objectives and the action plan within their areas of responsibility.

5. Implementation

5.1 General sustainability objectives and climate objectives

General sustainability and climate objectives are established by the Sustainability Manager. A general action plan is established for the general sustainability objectives and climate objectives. The action plan must include actions, officers, a schedule and resources. The President decides on the sustainability objectives and climate objectives and the action plan. An environmental review is conducted as a basis for establishing the objectives in order to identify KTH’s significant environmental impact.

The general sustainability objectives and climate objectives and the action plan form part of the regular governance of the organisation and are integrated into the general planning and monitoring process for KTH’s activities. Monitoring and evaluation provide a basis for management review at different levels of the organisation and form the basis for decisions on continued work on goals and further measures.

Responsible heads at different levels within KTH communicate the general sustainability objectives and climate objectives internally and externally. They must be available on the KTH website and intranet.

The Sustainability Manager monitors and reports on work on the objectives at the time of the management review at schools/OS and senior management.

6. Documentation

Decisions on general sustainability objectives and climate objectives
Action plan for general sustainability objectives and climate objectives

7. Appendices

No appendices.

8. Change log

Adopted version

Document date





Editorial changes.
Change of Document ID and update due to school merger and new ISO 14001:15

Sabine Micksäter

Kristina von Oelreich



Revision of routine in the light of a new organisation for the administration and the environmental management system's new organisation and working methods where the environmental representative role is replaced by responsible functions.

Kristina von Oelreich



Revision due to new objectives developed 2021-2025-2045 and change of name to sustainability objectives and climate objectives and action plan. Editorial changes.

Sabine Micksäter / Kristina von Oelreich

09/00 2023-02-24 Editorial changes, University Administration is adjusted to OS Anna Berglund