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Drop-in sessions at E-learning every Friday spring 2021 

Published Apr 13, 2021

The first drop-in trial sessions for support from the E-learning team has now turned into regular drop-in sessions. Every Friday at 11-13 o'clock for the rest of the spring semester 2021, you as a teacher will get the opportunity to talk to employees from the e-learning management team, and get answers to your questions regarding digital learning and the digital systems and tools provided by KTH. 

Trials showed the need for drop-in sessions

E-learning has had trial drop in-sessions in March 2021, and we have seen a need from teachers and administrators to get shorter questions regarding e-learning answered. This is why we have chosen to resume weekly drop in-sessions during the rest of the spring semester 2021, every Friday at 11-13 o'clock, excluding holidays. See all the dates at E-learning calender .

Receive help regarding digital learning and digital tools

During the drop-in events, you will get the opportunity to get answers to your questions regarding digital learning and the digital systems and tools provided by KTH.

Example of questions that could be answered during the drop-in: 

  • I want to make my course more interactive for my students. Which digital tools can I use? 

  • I have embedded a video in Canvas, but my students can't see it. What should I do? 

  • Is this page accessible for students with different needs? 

  • I accidentally recorded a student in my lecture, how do I remove that part of the video?

Other types of support

We recommend you to book a personal coaching meeting if your questions are more comprehensive. You can do that by sending an e-mail to .

Our Lunch n' Learn-webinars contains information on several subjects. The webinars are accessible in this play list containing earlier Lunch 'n' Learn-webbinars . If you want to learn more about Canvas, E-learning has recently updated the intra web with new support pages regarding Canvas (currently in Swedish only) .

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Belongs to: KTH Intranet
Last changed: Apr 13, 2021