News for the term from us at e-learning
Here we have gathered some information and good tips for you as a teacher.
Lunch n 'learn is back
The appreciated seminar series Lunch n’ learn (on e-learning) is back with new subjects and lecturers. First out is Emil Stenberg, system developer at KTH, who will talk about how Canvas works with a focus on integrations with other systems such as UG and Kopps. It will also be possible to ask questions. Interesting and educational for those who are teachers and administrators at KTH and who work with Canvas/e-learning.
(Please note that the seminar is held in Swedish)
The seminars are held in South East Gallery, KTH Library, and
so you can participate via the web if you wish.
"System functions in Canvas - How students, teachers and course rooms are added”.
Date: February 19th at 12.15.
To registration
(registration form is in Swedish).
One contact address for all IT related issues
New since December 15 (2018) is that questions about KTH’s digital learning environment should be sent to . The e-mail address has been closed. The purpose of the change is that as a teacher you should have one contact path for IT-related issues regardless of what your case is. Your questions will continue to be answered by e-learning staff.
Book personal supervision for questions about Canvas
New for this year is that as a teacher you can book personal supervision if you have questions about Canvas and course design. Contact us at . This new initiative is a replacement of the previous reoccurring Canvas drop-in.
Keep up to date with News about e-learning
Did you know that you find news, tips and inspiration about e-learning and KTH's digital learning environment on the intranet? Go to the news feed under News e-learning to read more. We also sometimes publish information in Canvas and in the form of notices in a box that is visible at login. What is stated here is relevant for all KTH employees. Once you have read the notice you can choose to click down the box yourself. Good to know is that the box with the information does not come back after you once clicked it down. Under the news feed Operational status for employees , you will find the latest news about all KTH's IT systems and it is here that you get updated about any technical problems and other things that happen with the systems. It is possible to subscribe to most news feeds via RSS. You will then receive an email to your inbox as soon as news is published and you don’t have to go in and look at the web pages just to see if something new has been published. Read here how to add an RSS.
Three good tips for you who work in Canvas
Here are three selected Canvas tips in the start of the semester.
1. Change the language settings in Canvas
With a few steps you can change the language in Canvas yourself between Swedish and English (at user level). Read about changing language settings . If you as a teacher want to change the language for your course room, you can also do that. The course will then get the language you choose (in the menus) regardless of which language you or your students have chosen to set at the user level. Read more about how to do it: How do I change the language preference for a course?
2. “Star mark” courses in Canvas for better overview
Long course list and difficult to get an overview? Use "Dashboard" where you can customize your list of courses. If you want to change which courses you see in your overview, click on Courses> All courses and click on the star (to the left of the title) on the courses you want to be displayed. That star marking works the same way for the students so you can even tell them about this. Read more: How do I customize my course list as an instructor?
3. “Canvas at KTH”
Course room in Canvas with guides, instructional videos, etc. Here is something for everyone - both beginners and more experienced Canvas users.