Talk about Learning in STEM, SoTL and other arenas for educational development at KTH
Podcast #2 Fika Chat on the Future of Education

Anna-Karin Högfeldt is new to the role of head of the division Learning in STEM (LiSTEM), one of four divisions in the Department of Learning (LES) at the ITM school. However, she is not new to working with and organising KTH's higher education network and arenas to promote educational development at KTH.
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About Anna-Karin, Learning in STEM, the podcast and the Future Education at KTH
"...our goal is to make this a co-creative process where KTH together does things that are connected to the programme in some different ways, but above all around education today and in the future in general."
Big meetings ("Storträffen"), PriU groups, KTH SoTL, PA/SR networks at KTH
"...that's what we always hear at these meets, the Storträffar and also at SoTL when you've been there "Well, is this what's happening? Did you do this? Why didn't I know?" and this is where you want to be involved. Here are those who care and who think it's fun to talk about teaching and education, and who make it an important thing. show how you can work professionally as a teacher at a technical university that is internationally highly ranked. Because this is what applies much more and more in the outside world as well, and yes, it can be a perfect way to include this in your CV and make a promising career ahead."
About LES' and the teachers' contribution and co-creation to educational development and projects within the change programme
"...I think that the arenas can be an important meeting place for different projects, finding collaboration partners across borders as much as possible. Because that is the strength of our networks. The PA network and the SR (Directors of Studies) network includes everyone in it and is a meeting with everyone, and that you might use the fall meeting to brainstorm ideas."
"Then I also hope that we can join forces and be involved in making research connections to make bigger ones, such as reviews and the like. After all, we have research expertise, PhD students, CL students who can do ex-jobs in this field, and established lecturers and the like who can also take on different assignments. We want to become even more linked to KTH's development and contribute to it."
" keep together and coordinate so that there are not ten projects about the same thing. Still, maybe we have to add them together so that it becomes a project with approximately the same theme. We can find some synergistic effects and maybe go in and poke around in specific projects and say that if you want money here, then we need to twist it a bit so that it will be in the interest of the whole KTH in the end."
"'s great that you bring up the issue of having an interactive, almost "white sheet" like this that invites idea-building and dialogue going forward."