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Screenshot: three persons in a digital meeting (three "windows").

Podcast #50

Fika Chat on generative AI and programming

When today's knowledge in generative AI and programming will be dated asap, how will the role of teachers change? How will teachers learn to ensure that graduates have the ‘right’ skills that industry demands? Johan and Joakim Lilliesköld talk in Swedish to KTH alumnus Henrik Kniberg (  about practical applications of generative AI and how it will change both education and the need for programmers in the future.

Spotify #50 / KTH Play #50

Generative AI in a Nutshell (Youtube)

Screenshot: four persons in a digital meeting (four "windows").

Podcast #49

Fika Chat on Challenge-Driven Education with wicked problems

What makes a student say to a municipality ‘This is not a good challenge’? And what do all the teachers who have worked challenge-driven say? Johan and Gunnar talk with Anders Rosén  and Lena Gumaelius  about, among other things, conflicting goals, complex versus complicated, concrete tricks on how teachers can gradually introduce wicked problems in their course (without having all the answers!) and tips on various competence development activities for teachers.

Spotify #49 / KTH Play #49

Project page with links to competens development activities (Swe)

Screenshot: four men in a digital meeting (four "windows").

Podcast #48

Fika Chat on various perspectives on AI in higher education

How are generative AI tools used in courses today at KTH? Until KTH has decided on common guidelines: what general principle can students use to know what is considered ‘cheating’? What can't be said too often in these contexts? Johan and Joakim Lilliesköld talk to Professor Arnold Pears   and student Avid Fayaz , who is a podcaster and active in the KTH AI Society ( .

Spotify #48 / KTH Play #48

Project: Integration of AI in KTH's educational offerings (Swe)

Keynote Storträff May 2024

Farazee Asif

Farazee Asif , associate professor and docent in circular manufacturing systems at the School of Industrial Technology and Management (ITM), was awarded KTH's pedagogical prize in 2023. At the Storträffen on 14 May 2024 , he talked about his student-centred and flexible learning methods in the the course MG2043 Circular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) .

Listen to Asif's Fika Chat podcast Spotify #38  / KTH Play #38

Read article: “Students' ideas can become spin-off companies”

Keynote Storträffen Meetup Dec 2023

Tomas Ekholm

Tomas Ekholm , associate professor in mathematics at the School of Engineering Science (SCI), was awarded KTH's pedagogical prize in 2022. In his keynote at Storträffen Meetup December 2023 , Tomas shared his thoughts (in Swedish) on teaching; he talked about time, driving forces for knowledge formation, opportunities for success and the meeting with the students (lecture time).

Listen to Tomas' Fika Chat podcast (in Swedish) Spotify#3 / KTH Play#3

Read article: "I might prepare a lecture a year in advance"

Key note Storträffen Meetup May 2023

Luigia Brandimarte

Luigia Brandimarte  is an associate professor and docent in Hydraulic Engineering at the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ABE), was awarded KTH's pedagogical prize in 2022. In her keynote at Storträffen Meetup May 2023  she shared her thoughts on cross-border education to prepare tomorrow's engineers to handle wicked problems.

Listen to Luigia's Fika Chat podcast Spotify#5 / KTH Play#5

Read article: "Taking learning out of the classroom"