Fika Chat with Anders Johansson on the development of courses for professionals
Podcast "Fika Chat on the Future of Education" – episode 22

Johan Fridell chats over coffee (fika) with guests from or outside KTH about the future of education in general and the change programme "Future Education at KTH" in particular. In this episode with programme coordinator Per Fagrell and Anders Johansson, coordinator of lifelong learning (LL) at KTH.
Time: Wed 2023-11-29 15.00 - 15.30
Video link: Zoom
Language: Swedish
Participating: Johan Flid Fridell, Anders Johansson, Per Fagrell
The chat in Zoom will be open as usual, so everyone is welcome with questions and reflections.
Today's guest: Anders Johansson
For some years now, Anders has had the mission of developing and coordinating the development of lifelong learning at KTH.
Profile of Anders (in Swedish)
A conversation on lifelong learning (LL)
The discussion with Anders will be about the rapid development of courses for professionals at KTH. What is the status today at KTH, and what can the future be like? Lifelong learning includes grant-funded further education, commissioned education, MOOCs and other more informal learning activities such as open lectures and seminars.
Find internal lifelong learning (LL) web resources
See KTH's range of skills development for professionals (Swedish at
About the podcast
Johan Fridell chats over coffee (fika) with guests from or outside KTH about the future of education in general and our change programme "Future Education at KTH" in particular.
Weekly podcasts from the autumn semester of 2023
As of the autumn semester of 2023, the podcast will go live every Wednesday (spring semester of 2023, it was every other Wednesday). We will continue until further notice on Wednesdays at 15:00–15:30.
Co-create for the podcast
Since we are podcasting live, you have the opportunity to ask questions and comment during the conversation. If you have your own wishes about what you would like to hear, or maybe even participate in the podcast yourself, you are welcome to contact (write "podcast" in the subject line).
Podcast host: Johan Fridell
You may recognise the podcast host Johan Fridell, who, during the corona pandemic, podcasted with a former KTH colleague about digitalisation at KTH. Search for Fikapodden (or & Fika) on Spotify or Youtube.