Johan hands over to Marcus Lithander to lead the podcast "Fika chat on the future of education"

After 50 episodes of the "Fikasnack"-podcast, Johan Flid Fridell hands over the hosting reins to a new star – Marcus Lithander teaches and researches at the Department of Learning in Engineering Sciences (LES). Here, he talks about what listeners can expect in the future, and Johan gives him some good advice along the way.
Since the podcast started in 2023, Johan Flid Fridell has hosted the first 50 episodes of the podcast "Fika Chat on the Future of Education" - collegial conversations for knowledge and perspectives on educational development both at KTH and in the outside world - which is run by the programme management for the change programme "Future Education at KTH". Now, listeners will hear a new voice leading the podcasts every other Wednesday at 15.00.
Marcus, how come you accepted this assignment?
- First, it's an excellent opportunity to meet and learn more about KTH's engaging, innovative, and creative colleagues and students. Secondly, I'm curious about how KTH works organisationally and operationally - even though I've been working here for a while, I don't have a full grasp yet. I'm also attracted by the podcast format, which is a good way to discuss important issues and ideas in an engaging way. So, I look forward to better understanding the internal dynamics of how everything fits together and helping to develop the podcast further.
Recently, there was an article in DN* about your field, cognitive psychology; what is it, and how is it relevant to education and the podcast?
- Yes, it's great that there is more talk about cognitive science in education. At the same time, I don't want it to just feel like a new trend for teachers. I'm glad that the DN article highlights the perspective I want to emphasise when discussing cognitive psychology, that the research offers many useful "hands-on" methods. A toolbox with everything from what material you should include - or not include - in your PowerPoint to how you can use quiz questions to support your teaching. It allows us to concretise what works in education, which is very interesting for the podcast. Concretising educational science is not always easy, so it will be something we will work on in the podcast.
Of the podcasts you've listened to so far, do you have a favourite episode(s)?
– To be honest, I haven't had time to listen to all of them yet. But I particularly liked an episode about learning centres, partly because it discussed collaborations with industry and other actors outside campus, which is important for the relevance and development of education. Partly because I am involved in remote learning and believe in using local learning centres is an innovative solution; it's always inspiring when you get that feeling of "I'd like to try that in my own teaching" after listening to an episode. It really shows how good the podcast is at capturing such insights.
What can listeners expect? Do you plan any changes?
– First, I'll try to do as good a job as Johan has done. I will be satisfied if we get the same mix of sharpness, humility and curiosity that Johan has delivered. The listeners can also expect that I will ask many questions about how KTH as an organisation works since I am not so familiar with it yet. But it would also be nice to have more active listeners. What would you like to know more about?
– One idea that I know has been discussed is to do some reportage-like features. But we'll see - one episode at a time!
50 episodes, Johan; how come you need to leave the podcast, and how does it feel?

– I've been given the opportunity to take on the role of business architect in a new unit at the IT department, which will be great fun. But one effect was I had to let go of the podcast, which is bittersweet because it's so much fun to work with it. Not least because, as Marcus says, it gives you the chance to learn so much about everything that's going on, especially within KTH's educational activities. However, Marcus is the perfect person to take the work further and improve the podcast.
Are there any particular episodes you would like to highlight that you remember were particularly good?
– Wow, it isn't easy to choose a favourite, but the episodes where our teachers are involved and talk about their experiences are excellent. We have helped to highlight essential efforts and hopefully inspired more people to dare to try new approaches and gain new perspectives.
Why Marcus? And do you have any message for him?
– Because I think Marcus is the perfect person to take the podcast to the next level. He works in the Department of Learning at the School of ITM and is passionate and curious about everything related to pedagogy and development. It was great that he agreed to take over the podcast. He should just be himself, dare to be curious and ask open questions, and it will be brilliant!
Text: Sofie Kim