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New Webinbox in Ouriginal (previously known as Urkund)

Published Mar 12, 2021

The plagiarism review tool Ouriginal (previously known as Urkund) updates their Webinbox on Monday the 15/3. This will only affect those using Ouriginal outside of Canvas.

New, easier to use design of Webinbox

Ouriginal (previously known as Urkund) can be used as a plagiarism review tool both integrated in Canvas and outside of it. For those teachers using Ouriginal outside of Canvas a new version of Ouriginal's Webinbox will be launched on Monday 15/3, with an updated design that is described as easier to use and gives more control to administrators.

As a teacher, you will still be able to access previous uploads and reports.

For more detailed information about how to use the Webinbox, please read Ouriginal's Webinbox guide (PDF) .

Canvas-integration is unchanged

Those teachers who use Ouriginal as a plagiarism review tool in Canvas will not be affected by this update. The update of Ouriginal's Webinbox only affects teachers who receive submissions from students via email and therefore need to submit them to Ouriginal manually.