SoTL is a approach in which the teacher develops his or her teaching by scientific analyses of practice and student learning in the light of current knowledge about teaching and learning in Higher Education. Results and generated learning is shared with peers.

KTH SoTL concept
What the concept of "scholarship of teaching and learning" comprises of has been thoroughly discussed and a consensus of what the term means has slowly evolved. It is clearly not just a question of subject knowledge and teaching skills. It also includes a scientific approach in which the teacher develops his or her teaching and analyses both practice and student learning in the light of current knowledge about learning in Higher Education. Furthermore, the teacher discusses thoughts and findings in dialogue with colleagues. Elmgren, M., Henriksson A-S. (2014). Academic Teaching, Lund Studentlitteratur.
Martha Cleveland-Innes:
"In the last decades, teaching and learning at universities has been in the spotlight. The Scolarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) emerged from the work of Ernest Boyer in 1990. Boyer said that "excellence in the classroom is all too often undervalued" and that SoTL means "applying to teaching the same exacting standards of evaluation that are used in research". It involves "planning, assessing, and modifying ones's teaching".
The purpose of KTH SoTL conference
The main purpose of this KTH internal conference is to stimulate KTH teachers to develop their teaching and learning by documenting and sharing their educational efforts. We want to encourage all KTH staff and students interested in teaching and learning to contribute with a project, research, or pedagogical development work that you and/or your colleagues have done.
What is SoTL and the KTH SoTL method?
In this keynote presentation of the KTH SoTL-conference 2017, Roxå shares his view on what SoTL is all about, as well as providing communicative solutions to be used for development of both individuals and organisations.
The KTH SoTL conference is free of charge.