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Högre seminarium hösten 2013

Avdelningens Högre Seminarium äger rum på måndagar kl. 13.15-14.45 i seminarierummet på Avdelningen för historiska studier av teknik, vetenskap och miljö, Brinellvägen 32, KTH

Friday 6 September, 13:15-15:15

Isabel Perez and Anna Svensson, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, KTH (Presentationer av avhandlings-pm i forskarutbildningen)

Monday 9 September, 13:15-14:45

Mikael Hård, Department of History, Darmstadt University of Technology

“Consumers, Tinkerers, Rebels: The People Who Shaped Europe”

Thursday 19 September, Brownbag Lunch Seminar, 12:00-13:00

Alison Pouliot, Fenner School of Environment & Society, ANU

“Black Diamonds and Witches’ Rings: The influence of perceptions of fungi on biodiversity conservation”

Monday 23 September, 13:15-15:15

Johan Gärdebo and Hanna Vikström, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, KTH (Presentationer av avhandlings-pm i forskarutbildningen)

Monday 7 October, 13:15-14:45

David Nilsson, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment at KTH

“Lost Colonialism: Sweden-Norway at the Berlin Conference 1884-1885”

Monday 21 October, 13:15-14:45

Mats Fridlund, History of Industrialization Research Group, Department of Engineering Design and Production, Aalto University

“Digitizing the historian’s craft? Topic modeling and the new digital history”

Monday 4 November, 13:15-14:45

Kirsten Thisted, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen

“Imperial ghosts in the North Atlantic – old and new narratives about the colonial relations between Denmark and Greenland”

Monday 18 November, 13:15-14:45

Marco Armiero, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment at KTH

“Escaping the Green Box: Environmental History, Nation and the Politics of Nature”

Monday 2 December, 13:15-14:45

Anders Gullberg, Stockholmsforskningen / Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment at KTH

“City traffic in the time of the third industrial revolution”

Monday 16 December, 13:15-14:45

Lena Christensen, LUCSUS, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies

 "Be(e)wilderment in the Anthropocene: Bees, Books and the Biosphere"