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Premises in the KTH Library

The KTH Library has four bookable rooms: the Southeast Gallery, the Entrance Hall, the Library Hall and Ångdomen. For all premises, the activities booked must have a link to KTH or be considered socially useful, e.g. the Swedish Election Authority or vaccination.

The library makes a hire charge for the Library Hall, Entrance Hall and Southeast Gallery as set out in the Library’s current price list. Contact  for prices and bookings. Ångdomen is booked via KTH’s premises booking service.

Southeast Gallery

Booking is mainly allowed during weekdays 08:00-13:30. The room is not bookable during the weeks in which KTH students are studying and taking exams. Outside term time, the room may be booked during Library opening hours or by appointment. For fire safety reasons, the maximum number of people in an unfurnished room is 80. Each event must be analysed by the security unit to assess what measures need to be taken and the exact number of people the event can accommodate.

Entrance Hall

Only the space at the window between the entrance and the gate to the North Tower is bookable. The space is bookable during term time. For fire safety reasons, the maximum number of people in the Entrance Hall, when furnished, is 90. Each event must be analysed by the security unit to assess what measures need to be taken and the exact number of people the event can accommodate.

Library Hall

For very special occasions, the entire room may be booked. Smaller parts of the Library Hall may be booked for photography, for example. For fire safety reasons, the maximum number of people in the Library Hall is 270. If activities on floors 3 and 4 are temporarily closed, the number of people on floor 2 may be increased to 850. Each event must be analysed by the security unit to assess what measures need to be taken and the exact number of people the event can accommodate.


Booking requests for Ångdomen are made via KTH’s room booking service at  and are invoiced via the room booking service. For fire safety reasons, the maximum number of people is 96 when the room is furnished. The room is primarily a study environment and is therefore not often booked.

GRU rooms

In case valuable equipment needs to be stored in the Library before and after the event, the GRU room should be booked for this purpose. The booking must state that the GRU room must be locked and that access card authorisation is required. Please contact . The Library has no other facilities available for storage.

Booking procedure

All booking requests for events at the KTH Library should be sent to . In the case of major events involving the Library Hall or a large part of the Library premises, the booking request is processed in a special procedure and is decided by the library director, sometimes in dialogue with KTH management.

For all premises, the activities booked must have a link to KTH or be considered socially useful (for example early voting or vaccination).

To be granted permission to hold an event at the KTH Library, the following criteria must be met:

  • The event must have a clear link to KTH and/or the Library’s activities.
  • The event should be open to Library visitors if it takes place during the Library’s regular opening hours.
  • The event should not take place during any of the exam periods. The organisation of the academic year and exam periods is available on KTH’s website at The academic year at KTH .

Procedures for events at the KTH Library

Security during the event

The security department must always be notified. Each event must be analysed by the security unit to assess what measures need to be taken and the exact number of people the event can accommodate. Send information about the event, the date and time, the venue and the number of visitors to .


In the Library Hall there are circular study areas with bookshelves on the outside. The circular areas are permanent fixtures with a power supply and they are not designed to be moved. The permanent fixtures are moved only in exceptional cases. The organiser must separately book and pay for premises hire for storage and pay for and book workers or a removal company to carry out the packing and removal. Contact  in good time to discuss how the furniture and books can be moved.

The books must be packed up in the correct order so that they can be put back in the right place after the event. The time needed for packing and removal is at least two working days before and one day after the event, which must be included in the booking of the Library Hall. All time booked prevents students from having access to the room and its collections and should therefore be limited as far as possible.


KTH’s ICT Services department is responsible for the existing technology in all KTH premises and offers support for events. Orders are placed with ICT Services via .


The lighting in the Library premises is managed centrally by Akademiska Hus, which needs to be contacted for events that take place after regular working hours or where specific lighting arrangements are required. Some premises are preset to be dark or lit after regular working hours, and KTH staff cannot change this.


The Library information desk cannot help with any questions before or during an event. Questions should be addressed to contacts designated in advance. The organiser should staff its own information desk where staff and guests can ask any questions related to the event.

Signage for events in Library premises

Signs, posters and other printed and digital materials in the Library require special permission from the Library’s communications team. All questions must be addressed to .

Cleaning in connection with an event

The organiser is responsible for ensuring that the premises are left in good condition, and for clearing away rubbish. It is a good idea to review the cleaning procedures for the event and determine whether extra cleaning is needed. Requests for cleaning and to book extra cleaning are made to the premises services department (LSA) and are quoted for each separate occasion. Contact .

Catering cleaning

At the end of the event, it is the organiser’s responsibility to ensure that everything related to catering is cleared away. Nothing may be left in the Library premises (this should preferably be included in the order to the catering company).


The Library does not provide a cloakroom. The organiser must ensure that clothes hangers are available. It is important to note that KTH does not replace stolen valuables. Therefore, consider whether a staffed cloakroom is needed. If only an unstaffed cloakroom is available, ensure that someone informs guests that they leave valuables unattended at their own risk.

Door security

When the Library is closed, organisers must ensure that guests are guided into and out of the building and that no unauthorised persons enter the building.

Access cards

Ensure that all premises are open at the times you need. Order access cards for your workers if needed. Check how many you need and that the card has access to the premises you are using. Access cards are ordered from .

Areas of responsibility

Have clear areas of responsibility in the project team to help manage communication with suppliers and unforeseen events and look after speakers and other participants in a professional manner.