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Spread news and information

About KTH's media channels and social media channels, contact details and approaches to spread news and information to KTH's various target groups.

Social media

About KTH's presence in social media, publication of personal data and a checklist for what applies if you want to start a channel in social media with KTH as the sender.

KTH in social media

Reaching out with your news

About KTH's overall news work and channels and how you suggest news to write about for different target groups. Here are contact details to spread your news in KTH's channels and instructions for debate posts.

Reaching out with your news

When you meet the media

These are good things to consider if a journalist approaches you for an interview.

When you meet the media

Science communication

Tips on how you can communicate your research yourself about learning more about it. Contact details for research communicators at KTH and information about communication for centres.

Science communication

Dispatch by e-mail

Rules and contact details for disseminating your information via a large e-mail or a mass e-mail through the IT department.

Dispatch by e-mail