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Science communication

Communication about research with groups outside of academia is called science communication. The corresponding term for communication within academia is scholarly communication. KTH has devoted research communication officers, but as a researcher, you are also expected to assist in disseminating and communicating your research activities.

Illustration: Lotta W Tomasson/VA CC BY-NC 2.0

Today, it is crucial that you work continuously with individual communication activities as a researcher. This is due to various factors, for example, external demands, where financers and partners often expect that researchers and research groups increase the visibility of their work outside academia, thereby increasing its societal impact.

In recent years, the Swedish government has expressed expectations for universities and researchers to work with research communication, particularly science communication. This responsibility is stated in the most recent budget bill for research for 2021 to 20224, 2020/21:60: Forskning, frihet, framtid – kunskap och innovation för Sverige .

Activities to perform on your own

By planning and using simple tools, researchers can perform quick and easy communication activities with excellent results. You can, for example:

  • Develop and update your digital presence ( profile page  and social media)
  • Create a communication plan which states how to communicate, when, and why during a research project.
  • Work actively with identification numbers  (both publication and researcher profiles) and Wikipedia  to increase the spread and visibility of your publications and research results.
  • Practice presenting and explaining your research to others, preferably for people outside academia.
  • Try to deduct where your research may lead and what societal impact you could potentially create . Who is your research important to, and why?

Visit the Research tab here on the Intranet for further information, guidance, and tips related to science communication.

Competence development

Do you want to develop your skills in communication? Take KTH’s digital Canvas course in research communication! The course is suitable for researchers at all levels and will provide you with the tools needed to communicate effectively and accurately reach your target groups.  

The course spans from the basics of communication, including how to plan, measure, and evaluate, all the way to how to find your specific target groups, how to turn research into storytelling, and finding the most appropriate channels for you.

Courses and workshops in communication

Communication for centres

How should centres communicate their activities externally and internally? We have gathered relevant information for communicators and directors to communicate in the best way – both externally and internally. The content is found under the “Research” entry and is based on a newly developed framework for centre communication . The framework describes all aspects of communication, for example, channels, resources and responsibilities, content, and co-profiling. There are templates to support the involved staff and contact information to find your nearest communication support.

Centre communication


Are you in need of research communication support? KTH has communicators devoted to research on both local and central levels.

Find your communication support