Announcement of scholarship
Scholarships should not be published through the recruitment system Varbi but on the intranet under a separate tab under “Working at KTH”.
To announce scholarships:
Make use of: Stipendiatmall engelsk 240628.docx (docx 24 kB)
Advertising is done on KTH's external website and the announcement must always be made at least in Swedish.
Email draft (use the diary number on the scholarship decision)
The scholarship applications are handled by mail
Scholarships do not need to be allocated but should be kept diary, see more under document management .
The reason why the scholarships are not in the recruitment system is that it is another process as a scholarship is not an employment and follows other rules and procedures. If the scholarships are found in the recruitment system and in the list under "vacancies", there is also a risk that applicants believe it is an employment.
More information about scholarships can be found below Scholarships administered by the HR department .