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Fika talk with Tomas Ekholm - recipient of the KTH pedagogical award

Podcast "Fika talk on Future Education at KTH" – episode 3

Johan Fridell chats over coffee with guests from or outside KTH about the education of the future in general and the change programme Future Education at KTH in particular. Podcast episode 3 is hosted by Tomas Ekholm who has been awarded the 2022 KTH Pedagogical Prize.

Time: Wed 2023-03-15 15.00

Video link: Zoom

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Today's guest: Tomas Ekholm

The podcast "Fika talk about the future of education at KTH" is back and in this third episode Johan Fridell (podcast host) and Gunnar Tibert (deputy host) are visited by Tomas Ekholm who has been awarded KTH's pedagogical prize 2022. The chat will be open so everyone is welcome with questions and reflections.

About the podcast

Live chat with information and knowledge sharing

The program management for KTH's change program Future Education at KTH will use live podcasts as a communication channel. Partly for synchronous direct communication about the future of education in general and KTH's change program in particular. The format provides a space especially on the approach and perspective on KTH's improvement work over the next 5-10 years.

Initially we will start with every second Wednesday at 15:00 (between 15-30 minutes).

In terms of content the podcasts can offer:

Knowledge sharing and experience exchange

  • KTH internal sources: colleagues share good examples with each other
  • External sources: we take inspiration and lessons from others outside KTH.

Information and updates

  • generally about education-related issues at KTH and
  • specifically about the change program Future education

Real-time documentation 

Furthermore, the podcast becomes a form of real-time documentation of current events and activities within the Future education at KTH program.

The episodes will be recorded, subtitled and published on the , including a text version of the translation into English (or Swedish, if the podcast is conducted in English).

Co-create for the podcast

Since we are podcasting live, you have the opportunity to ask questions and comment during the conversation. If you have your own wishes about what you would like to hear, or maybe even participate in the podcast yourself, you are welcome to contact  (write "podcast" in the subject line).

Podcast host: Johan Fridell

Maybe you recognize the podcast host Johan Fridell, who during the corona pandemic fikapodded with a former KTH colleague about digitalization at KTH. Search for Fikapodden (& Fika) Spotify or on Youtube.

Johan Flid Fridell
Johan Flid Fridell systems specialist 0709606860 Profile