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Adapting to Variations in Textile Properties for Robotic Manipulation

Time: Tue 2025-01-14 13.00

Location: F3 (Flodis), Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Campus

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Language: English

Subject area: Computer Science

Doctoral student: Alberta Longhini , Robotik, perception och lärande, RPL

Opponent: Associate Professor Oliver Kroemer, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Supervisor: Professor Danica Kragic, Robotik, perception och lärande, RPL

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QC 20241213


In spite of the rapid advancements in AI, tasks like laundry, tidying, and general household assistance remain challenging for robots due to their limited capacity to generalize manipulation skills across different variations of everyday objects.Manipulation of textiles, in particular, poses unique challenges due to their deformable nature and complex dynamics.  In this thesis, we aim to enhance the generalization of robotic manipulation skills for textiles by addressing how robots can adapt their strategies based on the physical properties of deformable objects. We begin by identifying key factors of variation in textiles relevant to manipulation, drawing insights from overlooked taxonomies in the textile industry. The core challenge of adaptation is addressed by leveraging the synergies between interactive perception and cloth dynamics models. These are utilized to tackle two fundamental estimation problems to achieve adaptation: property identification, as these properties define the system’s dynamic and how the object responds to external forces, and state estimation, which provides the feedback necessary for closing the action-perception loop.  To identify object properties, we investigate how combining exploratory actions, such as pulling and twisting, with sensory feedback can enhance a robot’s understanding of textile characteristics. Central to this investigation is the development of an adaptation module designed to encode textile properties from recent observations, enabling data-driven dynamics models to adjust their predictions accordingly to the perceived properties. To address state estimation challenges arising from cloth self-occlusions, we explore semantic descriptors and 3D tracking methods that integrate geometric observations, such as point clouds, with visual cues from RGB data.Finally, we integrate these modeling and perceptual components into a model-based manipulation framework and evaluate the generalization of the proposed method across a diverse set of real-world textiles. The results, demonstrating enhanced generalization, underscore the potential of adapting the manipulation in response to variations in textiles' properties and highlight the critical role of the action-perception loop in achieving adaptability.