Digital mini-conference on examination in higher education in 2023
Join in what you can between 09.00 and 12.00

HPU recommends the mini-conference on examination in higher education organised by a national network for examination development in higher education.
Time: Wed 2023-10-11 09.00 - 12.00
Location: länkar skickas till er som anmäler intresse
Language: Swedish
Collegiality on examination practice
On the morning of 11 October at 9-12, we offer* 5 - 6 sessions on examination and you are welcome to participate. Participation is digital and remote and you can choose to participate in one or more sessions. The sessions will be held in Swedish.
We who are organising this morning are a number of higher education institutions that have met for some time to collaborate on changing conditions for examination and to support each other in our respective development work in our examination practice. With this morning, we want to highlight some of the themes that are repeatedly requested in the teaching staff and provide concrete examples from our respective practices.

Planned sessions
- Assessment and feedback
- Examination of practical training
- Group work and examination
- Accessibility and assessment
- Practical examination
- Generative AI and examination
- Oral examination
The proposed themes in the registration form are preliminary and the programme will be finalised once we know what you participants have prioritised in your responses. We look forward to sharing ideas and this morning with you.
Register your interest
You are welcome to participate in what you can between 09.00 and 12.00.
Programmes and links will be sent shortly to those who register their interest.
Register your interest here: