EndNote – getting started with reference management
Welcome to this introduction to EndNote. Using EndNote will save you time, help you keep your references organised, and to cite them correctly.
Time: Fri 2024-05-17 10.15 - 12.00
Location: Newton, KTH Biblioteket, Osquars backe 31 – Register here
Language: English
Participating: Maria Unger och Niklas Elzén, KTH Library

We will go through the basics of the program and there will be time for practice.
During the workshop you will learn how to:
Create a library and organize your references
Import references from different databases
Import references from within EndNote
Sync your desktop program with an online account
Create citations and reference lists in Word
Preparations: Be sure to have the program installed on your computer before the workshop. You can find it through KTH Software center. Bring your own computer to the workshop.
The target audience for this workshop is doctoral students and researchers and the language is English. Doctoral students and researchers at other universities are welcome to sign up. EndNote is a licensed software, and you must have access to it in order to fully participate.