Energy Management in cities: Gurugram energy challenge
Urbs and Urban Tech Sweden (UTS- Swedish industry's export platform) are co-operating with a developer in National Capital Region of India to develop a truly sustainable smart township situated in Gu rug ram, Haryana. The development aims to be the first climate neutral township in India. Design and execution should allow the township to be climate neutral by 2040.
Time: Wed 2020-09-23 15.00 - 17.00
Location: F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26 and via Zoom
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, urbs, and UTS have partnered to support the development and highlight system thinking and holistic techno-economic approach to model and analyze energy systems both qualitatively and quantitatively. The proposed solutions targets optimal energy and resource efficiency from tech no-economic perspective, through the integration of new technologies (energy, mobility, ICT, water, etc.), and development of innovative business models.
KTH has used the project as a case study and competition for an Energy Management course, within an international master's level program. A team consisting of researchers and approx.100 students worked over 5 months on the project. This is the final round of the competition where 5 best student groups will present their results and one winner group will be awarded.
Extended description
Students were divided into groups of 5-6 and total of 15 teams were created. Students as part of their course have delivered specific recommendations for Gu rug ram project on how to create a sustainable urban environment ready to live by 2030. These recommendations are supported with a complete urban energy system analysis, including; well defined boundaries, a description of the energy, people, and materials flows within and across the boundaries, and quantitative modeling and simulations of energy and environmental systems. The study was conducted in two phases, the first phase, where the focus was on data collection, systems modelling, defining boundaries and KPls. The second phase is deep dive into engineering and economics and coming out with the optimal solutions (pareto frontiers) from both technical and economic perspectives.
Students have been given a lucrative proposition. Apart from the chance of working with an actual project as part of their course, KTH, urbs and UTS will reward the team with the best solution. Top 5 teams have already been selected. An international jury comprising of experts and renowned persons in their fields will be invited by urbs and UTS. The Winning team will be announced and awarded.
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