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Kick-off: Geoprivacy initiative: Geoprivacy, confidentiality and data sharing in research & practice

The goal of the Geoprivacy initiative is to create arenas for discussion about barriers and methods for data storage and sharing in order to support and grow geospatial interdisciplinary research community, closely linked to society's requirements. The intention is to promote new collaborations and, in the longer term, to build international teams for reproducibility and data sharing in research in line with the UN's goals for sustainable development, Agenda 2030.

Time: Wed 2021-10-20 12.00 - 13.30

Location: Zoom (länk vid registrering)

Language: English

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The first meeting is devoted to brainstorming and mapping the current situation in matters of geoprivacy and integrity as well as data sharing and storage in Sweden, the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Due to predictable spatial behavior patterns, geodata can be very identifiable, even when careful to anonymize. Guidance according to GDPR, data ethics guidance and codes of conduct for data users provide certain solutions (eg secure data storage and protocols) but these are not without problems. The unique challenges surrounding geodata are a relatively unexplored area.

The Geoprivacy initiative is a collaboration between KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University and the University of Manchester.
