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Sustainable production of steel and metals

In this docent lecture Peter Samuelsson will talk about sustainable production of metals, mainly from the perspectives of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and process economics.

Time: Mon 2023-11-13 10.00

Location: Sefström, Brinellvägen 23

Language: English

Participating: Peter Samuelsson


Bengt Peter Samuelsson
Bengt Peter Samuelsson researcher

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The lecture will focus on sustainable production of metals, mainly from the perspectives of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and process economics. The social dimension of sustainability will be briefly addressed, but not elaborated due to the time available for the lecture.

Examples from own research activities within the lecture subject will be given as examples on both process level, but also from a production system and value chain perspective.

Production of alloying materials, sponge iron, as well as primary steelmaking using said raw materials and scrap will be addressed.