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New and Unconventional Aircraft for Future Flight

Time: Wed 2024-06-12 13.00

Location: Munin, Teknikringen 8

Participating: Rafaello Mariani

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Abstract: Aviation accounts for 2.5% of the global CO2 emissions – with 10% of the world population flying – and a goal to achieve net-zero-flight has been set for 2050 which requires pushing the boundaries of aeronautical research beyond the accepted parameters.

Consequently, a preliminary study was completed in late 2019, which demonstrated the need for a multidisciplinary approach to the development of future aviation encompassing several disciplines in the realm of technology development. The preliminary study showed that conventional tube-and-wing designs were inefficient to mitigate the limitations in power and energy density of electrical and hydrogen fuel-cell propulsion systems compared to traditional combustions engines, and that novel and often unconventional designs with high aerodynamic efficiencies were required.

A holistic summary of the research and development, and their links with education, in the field of future aircraft from the perspective of aerodynamics efficiency and configuration design will be discussed.