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Seminar - BOOMERANG & Space Tech Expo

Time: Wed 2023-02-01 15.00 - 16.00

Location: D2, Lindstedtsvägen 9 KTH Campus

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Welcome to the first monthly seminar of the year!

This time, Renato Franze, Romina Gaudio och Luca Jakabovics will talk about the BOOMERANG project and Space Tech Expo exhibit in Bremen. The BOOMERANG project is part of the REXUS/BEXUS programme, which is organized through the collaboration of different space agencies that allow student teams to design and fly their own rocket experiment. BOOMERANG is developing a Return-To-Launch-Site functionality that allows experiments ejected from sounding rockets to fly autonomously to the desired location. The team has been recently sponsored by KTH Space Center to be one of the exhibitors at the Space Tech Expo in Bremen, where the project was shown to many of the protagonists of the space industry. At the end of the seminar, it will also be discussed how KTH Space Center suports student projects in general.

When: February 1st at 15.15-16:00

Location: D2, Lindstedtsvägen 9 KTH Campus, and on zoom