Seminar Gender Equality in Research Collaboration
In the RSO seminar series for Leaders of Research Collaboration, initiated by KTH Vice President for Research, Annika Stensson Trigell, we welcome you to this competence seminar and hands-on workshop on Gender, Equality and Inclusion in research collaboration.
Time: Tue 2020-12-08 14.00 - 15.30
Location: Zoom
Participating: Klara Folkesson, Jenny Wanselius, Anna Kiefer
The core values of KTH are based on democracy, the equal value of human beings, human rights and freedom and free and open discussion. Equality between men and women and the dissociation from all forms of discrimination are both an issue of quality and a natural part of these core values. Equality and diversity among employees and students also represent important resources for KTH.

Please register so we can prepare breakout rooms and provide updates on the program.
Contact person: Marianne Loor, Research Support Office
Preliminary program
14.00 Welcome and introduction, Annika Stensson Trigell, Vice President for Research
14.10 KTH Eqaulity policy, Klara Folkesson (presenting for Anna Wahl, EqO)
14.20 KTH Gender and Equality in practise, Klara Folkesson EqO
14.30 Gender, Equality in Research proposals (EU funding), Jenny Wanselius, RSO
14.45 Gender, Diversity and Inclusion in a KTH research centre - Digital Futures, Anna Kiefer COO
15.00 Breakout session
15.20 Discussion and take-aways
15.30 Conclusion