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Technology and Engineering Education in Turbulent Times

In this hybrid docent lecture, Anne-Kathrin Peters will discuss the role of university education, particularly technology and engineering education, in the context of our “turbulent times.” She argues that engineering and technology education play a crucial role in shaping our society and are not neutral.

Time: Mon 2025-01-20 15.15 - 16.15

Location: Lindstedtsvägen 5, floor 3, D37

Video link: Zoom

Language: English

Participating: Anne-Kathrin Peters


Anne-Kathrin Peters
Anne-Kathrin Peters associate professor

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By turbulent times, Anne-Kathrin Peters means a time marked by uncertainty and change, growing awareness of sustainability challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, and inequalities, and a time in which people face diverse struggles, opportunities, and ideas for creating a better world.

How is university education—especially in technology and engineering—positioned in these turbulent times, and how is it evolving? She offers perspectives and reflections on this question, drawing from her journey of working in teaching, research, and educational development, as well as learning from various research communities. She argues that engineering and technology education play a crucial role in shaping our society and are not neutral. A wealth of insight exists on how education can be changed and transformed to promote sustainability.

This lecture is an invitation for all those engaged in education to reflect on what is important for education today and consider their role in shaping and developing education in these turbulent times.