Choosing a journal – how to evaluate a journal
The aim of this workshop is to help you make well-informed choices of which journals to publish in and how to avoid sending your manuscript to a predatory journal.
Time: Fri 2024-10-25 10.15 - 12.00
Location: Zoom – no registration
Language: English
Participating: Anders Wändahl and Mattias Vesterlund, KTH Library

The aim is to give you the hard facts about a journal to support you in making a well-informed choice. Checking these facts will at the same time also eliminate the risk of sending your manuscript to one of the rotten apples in the publishing industry (predatory publishers).
This workshop will introduce you to a number of resources and tools and we will discuss and learn how to evaluate a journal in terms of:
topic, document type and study design
coverage in the major bibliographic databases
impact factors or other metrics on the journal leve
Open Access options and possibilities for central KTH funding of the Article Publishing Charges (APCs)
journal and research funders’ demands in relation to Open Access and research data
Peer-review, Turn-around-time and Acceptance Rate of the journal
other demands or recommendations from your supervisor or KTH
The target audience for the workshop is researchers and doctoral students and the language is English. Doctoral students and researchers at other universities are welcome to participate. Please note that you might not have access to all of the resources that we use during the workshop.
No registration needed, just enter Zoom at the appointed time.