The Electrum Laboratory is being investigated in the spring

The long-term development and ownership of the Electrum Laboratory will now be analyzed. Stefan Bengtsson, Former President of Chalmers has been assigned the task.
The background is the decision made by the University Board in November, which includes the relocation of KTH's operations in Södertälje and Kista. However, the Electrum Laboratory was exempt and would be investigated separately according to the Board's decision.
"In connection with the campus moves, it is important to look at how the national infrastructure in Kista could be further developed. Not least because semiconductor production will become increasingly important in the future," says Anders Söderholm, President of KTH.

In accordance with a President´s decision, Stefan Bengtsson, professor of Solid State Electronics, has been commissioned to:
- Map the use of the research infrastructure
- Describe the facility's economic conditions
- Inventory the status of the facility
- Investigate the conditions for different forms of ownership
- Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of different options for the future development of the lab.
"Stefan Bengtsson is well acquainted with the scientific environment and the subject, and as a former academic leader he has great knowledge and understanding of infrastructural assets, of which the Electrum Laboratory is an example," Söderholm says.
Stefan Bengtsson must report his findings by 31 May at the latest.
Text: Jill Klackenberg