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EU Charter and Code

Published Feb 17, 2020

Since June 2019, KTH is preparing the process of adopting the principles of EU Charter & Code for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

The preparations are lead and coordinated by project leader Charlotta Fransén, GVS, located at Research Support Office.

The process of adopting the EU C&C principles initiates a continuous quality work that shall integrate with other quality procedures at KTH.

During the autumn of 2019, a gap analysis has been accomplished. Internal procedures, routines and documents, mainly with focus on HR-related issues, have been measured against the guidelines stipulated by the EU C&C.

Furthermore, a number of informative meetings have been held at the different councils, at the central administration and, during late autumn, for the individual school managements.

At present, further informative meetings are planned for all schools. The purpose is to inform about the progress of the project and to give the opportunity to make space for any questions. Each school has recently been individually contacted for this purpose.

All preparations are expected to be finished by the end of spring 2020 and the application ready to submit during the end of summer.

More about The European Charter & Code for researchers at KTH

Charlotta Fransén, Project Manager, Research Support Office

Belongs to: Current
Last changed: Feb 17, 2020