Research committee works broadly and welcomes input

Meeting once a month, the new research committee at KTH has started its work.
"We look at a number of issues without prejudice and address them gradually," says Annika Borgenstam, Vice President for Research and chair of the research committee.
The research committee started, in accordance with a decision by the President of KTH, on 1 January this year and is one of the results of the review of special research initiatives carried out last autumn. The research committee does not make any decisions but presents proposals and documentation to the President and KTH's management team.
Different issues
The research committee will handle a number of different issues concerning research funding, which networks KTH should be part of, and contribute to how KTH's research should be communicated, for example.
"We will look more closely at what applies and should apply to co-financing and we will start with KAW projects and eventually other financiers as well," Borgenstam says. She also mentions a review of KTH's established research infrastructures. Do we have what we need?
The strategic research areas, SFOs, where KTH is in charge will be reviewed and the group will develop a process for strategic initiatives.
"We are looking at criteria such as that an initiative should attract extensive external funding, be long-term and sustainable from a work environment point of view, and in areas where we have considerable expertise."
Receive input
"We will work on a number of different issues that will strengthen KTH's research in the long term. We are happy to receive input and thoughts and the group's work will be transparent - it is very important," Borgenstam says.
Get in touch with the research committee?
If you want to get in touch with the research committee, send a mail to and more information about the committee´s work and minutes from the meetings can be found at the Intranet.
Text: Jill Klackenberg