HR-plus replaced by new payroll and time reporting system

On October 21, KTH's employees will get a new system for payroll and time reporting, called KTH-HR.
“The system will be more modern, include controls and reminders and facilitate the daily work for both HR and employees,” says Annica Fröberg, Director of Personnel at KTH.
KTH has long needed to change its payroll system. The old HR-plus system and its self-reporting function, which have been in place since 2001, will finally be taken out of service in October.
“It's ‘end of life’ as they say in the systems industry, and it should really have been done much earlier,” Fröberg says.
Reducing duplication of work
The new system , called KTH-HR, contains several functions. Among other things, it will also be used for absence management in the event of illness, leave applications, and time reporting and registration of hourly-paid employees' hours. For managers and HR, the system should lead to better control, reduced duplication of work and reduced paper use. For example, employment contracts will only be recorded digitally from the start. It will also make it easier to keep track of the Employment Protection Act (LAS).
“It is one of the most modern systems on the market and is used by many companies and municipalities. It is role-driven, which means that users only handle what is relevant to their role, and there will be a modern interface so that both managers and employees can handle cases on their mobile phones,” Fröberg says.
“Superusers” help out
From October 21, KTH employees will be invited into the new system. They will also need to fill in next of kin and birth dates for any children. To support employees and managers, HR has trained a number of so-called “superusers”, who will help out in the organization.
“It's important to remember that even though it's a new system and questions may arise, you have access to HR and you can turn to the same people as usual. HR is working behind the scenes to ensure a smooth transition in October/November and there will be guides and manuals on the intranet to help you understand,” Fröberg says.
“Hump to get over”
After an initial soft launch, the system will eventually be extended with even more features and processes.
“It will be great. We have to do this, we have to receive our salaries and we will receive them. It's a big change and in the beginning it's always difficult. It's a hump we'll have to get over and then I think we'll be happy,” Fröberg says.
Text: Sabina Fabrizi