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How well do KTH publications perform in scientific periodicals? Annual Biometric Monitoring provides information on research impact.

KTH publications in focus

Published May 06, 2020

The Annual Bibliometric Monitoring (ABM) report, that compiles and analyses KTH publication statistics, has just been published in a new and revised version. It contains more information and aims to be easier to use.

ABM seeks to provide a better understanding of the research that KTH publishes, where greater impact is one of the aims. The results from ABM are also used in KTH quality assurance work. Publication data are primarily obtained from DiVA and Bibmet (the KTH bibliometric database) and the results are available at different levels, for KTH in total, schools, departments and individual researchers.

The ABM report is now available in a more flexible platform for computers and mobile devices, and contains new data and a better presentation. It is also going to be further developed to increase functionality.

The ABM report includes the following:

  • Publication volume: The number of publications of different types that have been published by a unit or researcher, in total and over time.
  • Citation impact: The field normalised citation impact of KTH scientific publications, that is to say how much they are cited compared to other articles in the same subject area. 
  • Co-publication: What proportion of KTH publications are co-published with international partners and non-universities in Sweden (an indirect measure of community and corporate co-operation outside the university sphere).

“According to KTH management, the aim is both to use ABM as a monitoring tool and to put the focus on the bibliometric performance of KTH publications in order to boost KTH’s performance in international rankings. In the case of schools and departments, the thinking is that the data can be used as a supporting tool in quality dialogues and monitoring work,” says Tobias Jeppsson , a bibliometrician at KTH.

What benefits can ABM offer researchers?
“You can see the same type of summary for your own publications as that presented to KTH organisational units. However, bibliometric indicators should be interpreted with great caution when it comes to individual researchers. The plan is to add more components such as co-publication and financing in future, that can be even more valuable for individual researchers,” he says.

Text: Christer Gummeson

Footnote: You can access ABM here:

Page responsible:Marianne Norén
Belongs to: Current
Last changed: May 06, 2020