When restrictions are lifted
From 29 September, other official Covid restrictions will be removed. The effects this will have for KTH include the end of restrictions on the number of people in premises at the same time. Education is to be organised as before, with the aim of continued educational development instead.
“It feels fantastic that we can come back on campus to an even greater extent for creative conversations and meetings. Hopefully, as more and more people are vaccinated, there will be less and less anxiety.”
When it comes to education, the line is being set with increased variation and diversity when it comes to examinations. More about how the eased restrictions will affect the education at KTH.
“Even though restrictions are being lifted, this does not mean a stop to educational development, as we will continue to apply the lessons we have learned during the pandemic to ensure the education of the future is safe in our hands.”
Premises will be restored and furnished in the same way as they were before the pandemic. Other things that will be noticed on campus will be when it comes to events and larger gatherings, for example, where there will be no limit on the number of participants from 29 September. Hand sanitiser stations will continue to be available after this date.
“If we continue to wash our hands regularly as part of one of the many small lessons we have learned, another benefit is that we may perhaps avoid autumn colds as well,” says Sigbritt Karlsson.
Text: Jill Klackenberg