Head of School of EECS resigns

Sonja Berlijn leaves her mission as Head of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at her own request for personal reasons. 31 January is her last day.
“I will continue as professor in Sustainable Integrated Energy Systems at KTH and I choose to put my energy into research, teaching and collaboration. I also lead a Nordic research project within energy systems that focuses, among other things, on social cyber security of these energy systems (REDISET). The energy system is facing huge challenges, and I want to make my knowledge and expertise available where it’s most needed,” says Berlijn.
Other assignments
She will also focus on other assignments, including chairing Department II at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), and setting up her own business. Berlijn, started as Head of School at KTH at the beginning of 2021.
Anders Söderholm, President of KTH, comments:
“As KTH’s first externally recruited Head of School, Sonja has contributed a valuable outside perspective in many issues. Among other things, she has developed the whole EECS school’s ability to work with health, safety and the environment. Sonja has also been an excellent ambassador for inclusivity and equal opportunities. As President, I would like to thank her for her hard work for KTH, and wish her the best of success for the future.”
Ann Lantz, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, is stepping in as Acting Head of School from 1 February.
Text: Jill Klackenberg
Photo: Susanne Kronholm