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Structure and energy in place to develop support services

Portrait of Kerstin Jacobsson.
University Director Kerstin Jacobsson is in charge of the analysis of the support services.
Published Dec 07, 2021

Kerstin Jacobsson, University Director, you are heading the work to develop KTH support services. The work started in April. How is it going?

“It has been going well. We now have a structure to systematically build more organisationally efficient and clear support services that should strengthen and support KTH and our research and education. We are starting to see results and this is very energising ahead of the implementation of several development initiatives next year.”

What lessons have you learnt so far ?

“You can never point out and communicate a common direction too clearly. But KTH is a big organisation with many different solutions and this calls for a large dose of humility when it comes to development work. When we are going to develop a solution, it is important to see what the results are and who will be affected by the improvements rather than what the existing solution looks like and who owns it. It is important to start from clear and common starting points.”

How far have you come?

“We have several different development projects within the parameters we have built up together to create smart flows with digital support such as, for example, a new payroll system where the users are playing a big part as a kind of change manager in place. There are three different levels to consider when new system support is put in place and consolidated. Strategically, tactically and operationally – where everyone has a role to play in creating proper order and support services that are sustainable in the long run.. We are now taking the next step together with the schools, to develop the way we should work. My hope is that things that previously may perhaps have fallen through the cracks will not do so this time round as we have closed the gaps in the new structure and in so doing, we will reduce any wasted energy.”

The first part of this development work, that will be continued for several years, is due to be presented to the President on 1 June 2022. What is the next step after that?

“Another step towards creating clarity and coordinated processes is, for example, that for the very first time, we now have a common business plan for the whole of University Administration. I genuinely view this as a window of opportunity where, for example, we can implement the findings from the Research Assessment Exercise in relation to University Administration and create a clear function to support skills development – to name some items on the agenda for next year.”

Text: Jill Klackenberg

Belongs to: Current
Last changed: Dec 07, 2021