KTH Researchers Gear Up for Upcoming Forskar Grand Prix
Published Sep 26, 2023In the Forskar Grand Prix, aspiring young researchers vie to convey their research in the most accessible and compelling manner within four minutes while facing scrutiny from a jury.
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A User-Friendly Visual Identity
Published Sep 25, 2023KTH is now receiving an updated visual identity that is more flexible, consistent, and better suited for digital channels. The revision is the result of a productive collaboration with employees from ...
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Campus that promotes community
Caroline Arehult, CEO of Akademiska hus, takes a selfie with all the speakers at the opening of Albano (Photo: Christer Gummeson). Published Sep 22, 2023With speeches, a quiz and the symbolic watering of an oak tree, the Albano campus was inaugurated. The hope is that the campus will strengthen the ties between KTH and Stockholm University, and promot...
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Faculty Boards are built for the future
From the first of January next year, the new Faculty Boards will be in place for increased collegial influence and responsibility. (Photo: KTH) Published Sep 07, 2023From 1 January next year, the new Faculty Boards will be in place and up and running at each school. “We hope that a lot of people will take the opportunity to help influence their school’s developm...
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Review of special research initiatives
Special research initiatives will be overviewed this autumn. Published Sep 05, 2023Research centres, platforms, strategic partnerships, research infrastructures and strategic research areas. These are all part of KTH’s range of special research initiatives, and they will now be revi...
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They look forward to an exciting autumn
Published Sep 05, 2023Anders Söderholm, President of KTH and Mikael Lindström, Deputy President are looking forward to the new academic year and talk about the work going on at KTH, such as campus review, new vision and ne...
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Safe and supportive atmosphere in KTH's staff choir
The choir gathered in the lunchroom at Brinellvägen 8 where the first rehearsal of the semester took place. Photo: KTH Published Sep 01, 2023The KTH Staff Choir is up and running for the autumn semester, and they welcome every staff member who enjoys singing with others. Everyone is welcome, from complete novices to seasoned pros. No previ...
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Does the security situation affect KTH?
Photo: Mourya Pranay on Unsplash Published Aug 22, 2023Recently, the Swedish Security Service raised the terrorism threat level in Sweden. The increase is a signal to all relevant societal actors that it's important to continue working to reduce the risk ...
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Anonymous examination could be introduced next year
Starting next year, KTH will introduce an anonymous examination. (Photo: KTH) Published Jun 27, 2023From spring term next year, KTH could be anonymising exam answers. This is the objective of a President’s decision at the end of May.
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“It’s about ensuring a functioning workday for everyone”
The project group consisting of Marie Larsson, Hans Wohlfarth and Charlotta Andersson Lund works to ensure that the support within the infrastructure is more coordinated and becomes more equivalent between the schools and between the different campuses. Photo: Magnus Glans. Published Jun 26, 2023KTH’s service functions are now being mapped, and lab safety is under review. The project group working on infrastructure in the merger project also discerns a need to define a number of roles and are...
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Tunnel boring under KTH Campus
Flygfoto över KTH Campus. Photo: Karlberg media AB. Published Jun 26, 2023A tunnel for electric cable is to be bored beneath KTH Campus, and a ventilation tower will be built in the campus area. The project is owned and managed by Svenska kraftnät and is part of a major inf...
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Amelie Eriksson Karlström new Head of School at CBH
Amelie Erksson Karlström is the new Head of School at CBH från the first of July in accordance with a President´s decision. Published Jun 21, 2023Amelie Eriksson Karlström is appointed Head of the School of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH). She has been acting Head of School since January 1, 2023.
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Next step in the campus review
Mikael Lindström, Deputy President, leading the work on the campus review. Published Jun 19, 2023The campus review is moving into the next phase. On 31 May, the School of Industrial Engineering and Management and the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science submitted their SWOT analy...
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New LinkedIn pages increase visibility for researchers’ news
“When it comes to social media, LinkedIn is KTH’s strongest channel with the most followers. We use it to reach alumni, the business sector and students, and with more than 200,000 followers it seems appropriate to build on this platform,” says Martina Frick Isberg, Social Media Manager at KTH. Pictured here with Ulrika Georgsson, Communications Officer at the KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), who came up with the idea for the Showcase Pages. Published Jun 16, 2023To help researchers communicate their work externally to a narrow, specialised target group, Ulrika Georgsson came up with the idea of creating subject-specific Showcase Pages on LinkedIn. First off, ...
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Opening hours at KTH Campus in the summer
Published Jun 15, 2023Here you can see when the various service functions on the KTH Campus are open during the summer.
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New master's program within Stockholm Trio
Annika Östman Wernerson, KI, Astrid Söderbergh Widding, SU och Anders Söderholm, KTH signing an agreement on a new Master´s programme. Published Jun 13, 2023An agreement on educational cooperation within a new international master's program in biostatistics and computer science between Karolinska Institutet, KTH and Stockholm University has been concluded...
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Building the new KTH security department
It was eight months before Christina Boman finally decided to leave the broadcaster SVT to take on the challenge of organising KTH’s new security department. Published Jun 07, 2023Christina Boman took on the role of head of security and security protection at KTH on 17 April this year. Her brief: to establish a brand new department, identify the operation’s needs and develop it...
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KTH among top 50 universities in global sustainability ranking
Photo: Jann Lipka. Published Jun 01, 2023KTH drops five places on the latest Times Higher Education Impact Ranking, but the result is still satisfying, considering the increasing number of universities participating. “We continue to identify...
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Sensors will give KTH increased knowledge about the use of premises
Maria Granath, deputy head of KTH's property department and responsible at KTH for the sensor project. Photo: Marianne Norén. Published May 29, 2023Akademiska Hus will provide KTH with data on the use of premises at KTH Campus via sensors set up in various spaces. In this way, KTH will gain better insight into actual needs relating to its premise...
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Model for greater collegiate influence
What the collegial influence looks like and may look like in the future can be seen from a recent survey. Published May 23, 2023“We now have a well-developed model that lays a good foundation for increasing collegiate influence and responsibility.” So says Anders Söderholm, President of KTH, about the report on collegiate inf...
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