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  • “Students' ideas can become spin-off companies”

    Farazee Asif leaning against a railing
    “An important component of my teaching is that the students see a common thread in terms of what, why and how it is taught,” says Farazee Asif, winner of KTH's Pedagogical Prize. Photo: Magnus Glans
    Published Dec 12, 2023

    The course in Circular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) is described as unique in its kind. Now Farazee Asif, who developed it, has been awarded KTH's Pedagogical Prize 2023. “I feel happy and proud to b...

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  • Opening hours during Christmas Holiday 2023/24

    Published Dec 08, 2023

    Here, you can see the opening hours for KTH's central service functions during the holidays 2023/24.

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  • Co-organization next step in development of UA

    KTH Campus in snow.
    KTH's University Administration is taking new steps in the development of a coordinated UA.
    Published Dec 06, 2023

    The next step in the development of KTH's University Administration, UA, is that staff in HR, finance and communication will be co-organized within each area from the first of April next year. This is...

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  • The course that teaches researcher’s ethical awareness

    a scientist holding a test tube
    The new research ethics course consists mainly of videos, short texts, tools and links to more information. "It is a self-study course but it can be used as part of a university course with teachers if you add examination tasks and discussion points," says research ethics advisor Fredrik Karlsson. Photo: Elias Sado
    Published Dec 05, 2023

    It is comprehensive and broad with the aim of bringing everyone up to a minimum level. This is how KTH's research ethics advisor Fredrik Karlsson describes the new course in research ethics. “Sometim...

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  • "Take the opportunity and vote"

    People voting.
    Between 4 and 10 December, elections for the schools' Faculty Boards and Faculty Councils will take place. Voting is done electronically (Photo: Mostphotos).
    Published Dec 04, 2023

    "Take the chance and vote! It is of great importance for the KTH we want to build both in the short and long term." So says KTH's President Anders Söderholm as the election of members to the Faculty ...

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  • Reduced climate impact on the menu

    Food and an eating.
    From next year, KTH will introduce a new food standard for meals ordered through catering (Photo: Mostphotos).
    Published Nov 28, 2023

    From next year, the food ordered for meetings, events and representation will have WWF's One Planet Plate labelling as standard - this is to reduce KTH's climate footprint per meal in line with KTH's ...

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  • KTH's activities are concentrated on three campuses

    Activities at KTH
    Published Nov 22, 2023

    KTH's University Board has now made a decision on the activities at KTH's various campuses. KTH Södertälje will be moved to KTH Campus and Campus Flemingsberg. The operations in Kista will be moved to...

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  • Get on top of KTH's sustainability effort

    person writing notes with paper and pencil next to their computer
    The staff training programme has been developed by the Sustainability Office. The aim is for everyone to gain basic knowledge to be able to contribute in their daily work to achieve KTH's sustainability and climate goals. Photo: Magnus Glans
    Published Nov 17, 2023

    A new sustainability course for staff is available in Canvas. The aim is to help them contribute to reach KTH's sustainability and climate goals. "I am impressed by how much is being done and that th...

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  • Bank-ID saves hundreds of working hours

    Portrait of Marina Wellén and Sandra Meneses
    Marina Wellén and Sandra Meneses emphasise a number of administrative benefits that the introduction of Mobile Bank ID has brought. Above all, the workload and the risk of errors have been reduced.
    Published Nov 09, 2023

    Issuing a KTH account via Mobile Bank ID has resulted in major efficiency and quality gains. This applies to the staff in KTH Entré as well as students, teachers, researchers and other employees. "We...

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  • KTH's suggestions to the government

    Researchers in a lab.
    KTH's contribution to the upcoming research and innovation bill contains various proposals.
    Published Nov 08, 2023

    Increase basic funding! This is one of the key messages in KTH's contribution to the government's research and innovation policy. "This is nothing new, but it is nevertheless important to continue to...

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  • New vision shows the way

    Anders Söderholm at KTH campus.
    KTH´s new vision and overall goals show the way forward says Anders Söderholm, President of KTH.
    Published Nov 08, 2023

    Who we are and who we want to be. This is how President Anders Söderholm sums up the new goal and vision document for KTH's development over the next five years 2024-2028. "It is a compass showing wa...

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  • Facelift for the research support pages

    Published Nov 06, 2023

    The part of KTH's intranet that targets researchers has received a facelift. The entry has been updated with new content and features, becoming a hub for information, support materials, and contacts t...

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  • KTH tests ways to merge digital studies with physical presence

    Teacher teaching in a classroom
    KTH will broaden its recruitment through a new form of education. The idea is not for KTH teachers to go to learning centres to teach, but instead the courses are offered via Zoom. Photo: Fredrik Persson
    Published Nov 01, 2023

    How can KTH Royal Institute of Technology improve its country-wide recruitment? Can digital education still maintain a good social study environment? These are two questions KTH is trying to answer in...

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  • How to improve personal interaction

    Group discussions at a workshop
    Group discussions at one of Ove Strind's workshops. Photo: Emma Ohlsson
    Published Oct 30, 2023

    KTH's efforts to improve the working climate are ongoing. It will be a win-win for everyone, says Hanna Tegel, group manager at CBH and one of 19 'coaches' who lead group exercises in the Treatment an...

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  • Former President of KTH Sigbritt Karlsson has passed away

    Portrait of Sigbritt Karlsson.
    Sigbritt Karlsson former President of KTH during six years.
    Published Oct 30, 2023

    Sigbritt Karlsson, former President of KTH, has passed away after a period of illness. She began her role as President on 12 November 2016 and concluded last November.

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  • KTH's commitment in Africa grows

    A map of Africa
    KTH is working in more collaborations in research, education and innovation in eastern and southern Africa. (Photo: Fernando Barozza)
    Published Oct 10, 2023

    KTH is investing in further developing its collaborations in education, research and innovation with universities in eastern and southern Africa. "We work for collaboration on equal terms that will ...

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  • Participation boom in KTH's short courses

    Teacher put up post it notes on the whiteboard
    KTH offers more than 200 courses on everything from ethical hacking to cognitive science within the framework of Lifelong Learning. Photo: Jason Goodman/Unsplash
    Published Oct 05, 2023

    Last year, the number of applications and admissions to KTH's independent courses for professionals increased by 60 percent from term to term. The percentage of those completing the course was also si...

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  • In-depth analyses of Södertälje and Kista in the campus review

    The different campuses.
    Two new reports is the next step in the overview of KTH´s campuses.
    Published Oct 03, 2023

    The in-depth analyses in the ongoing review of KTH's campuses are now complete. The studies show in clear figures and facts what it may mean to move operations from the Södertälje and Kista campuses ...

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  • More straightforward resource allocation on proposal

    Students in the library
    A review of how KTH's resources should be distributed has resulted in a series of proposals.
    Published Oct 03, 2023

    A model that better matches KTH today. This was one of the main ideas behind the investigation into how resources are allocated at KTH. "By reducing complexity, we want to try to create a more stra...

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  • KTH Researchers Gear Up for Upcoming Forskar Grand Prix

    Published Sep 26, 2023

    In the Forskar Grand Prix, aspiring young researchers vie to convey their research in the most accessible and compelling manner within four minutes while facing scrutiny from a jury.

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