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  • Research awarded high score in expert assessment

    Portrait of Annika Stensson Trigell.
    The international experts conducting the assessment were impressed by the societal impact of the research, according to Annika Stensson Trigell, Vice President for Research. (Photo: Håkan Lindgren)
    Published May 17, 2022

    KTH’s research upholds a high international standard with great relevance for society. At the same time, there is scope for improvement in several areas regarding, for example, internal processes, pub...

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  • Proposed President on his visions

    Man on a stage behind a camera and the audience.
    During the hearing and presentation moderated by Tina Karrbom Gustavsson, the proposed candidate Anders Söderholm gave his picture of KTH in the future.
    Published May 17, 2022

    In front of over 120 people in Alfvensalen and over 200 people online, Anders Söderholm shared his thoughts and visions about becoming the next President of KTH.

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  • He helps students grow

    Portrait of Mark Smith
    Mark Smith spends weekdays and weekends at Kista Mentorspace. (Photo: Marc Femenia)
    Published May 05, 2022

    At Kista Mentorspace there are only two rules: if you do not know, you must ask and if you do know, you must teach. The philosophy comes from Silicon Valley, the tech and innovation hub on the West Co...

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  • New manager reviewed by Caesar

    Portrait photo: a man in a jacket and shirt at a desk. In the foreground is a sculpture bust
    Fredrik Oldsjö is Deputy University Director and Head of the University Management Office within University Administration, photo: Marc Femenia.
    Published May 03, 2022

    After just over a month in his twin roles, Fredrik Oldsjö already seems to feel at home at KTH. He is the Deputy University Director and Head of the University Management Office within University Admi...

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  • With a feeling for the tiny details

    Portrait of Ninni Carlsund Levin
    Ninni Carlsund Levin has done her best to enable teaching to continue to be as normal as possible during the pandemic. (Photo: Marc Femenia)
    Published May 02, 2022

    Ninni Carlsund Levin, Associate Professor in Numerical Analysis, is passionate about a student’s light bulb moments. When something they have been struggling with suddenly becomes crystal clear. She a...

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  • The Unite network is creating a future European university

    EU flag
    Published Apr 27, 2022

    Students can enhance their KTH higher education qualification through selected special courses from other top European universities. Researchers and communities can collaborate more easily between cou...

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  • Head of School can become new President in Skövde

    A woman with long brown hair wearing a dark blue top.
    Muriel Beser Hugosson, photo: Josefin Backman
    Published Apr 13, 2022

    Muriel Beser Hugosson, Head of the School of Architecture and the Built Environment. You have been called to a hearing for the role as President of the University of Skövde. What does that mean?

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  • Working group for Ukraine

    A flag with blue and yellow.
    A working group for Ukraine started some weeks ago at KTH.
    Published Apr 04, 2022

    Since a few weeks, a working group at KTH has been dealing with the question on how to support students and researchers from Ukraine within the context of KTH’s operations.

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  • Next step towards coordinated support services

    Portait of Kerstin Jacobsson.
    University Director Kerstin Jacobsson is in charge of the work towards a new organisation.
    Published Mar 30, 2022

    Following the President’s Decision last week that we should have coordinated and common support services, work is now in full flow to take stock of what our support services look like today.

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  • New news feed gives more researchers at KTH the opportunity to reach out

    The editors of Forskarnas Anslagstavla in a photo taken at the KTH Library.
    Sabina Fabrizi, Maria Malmqvist, Josefin Backman, Daniel Sellgren and Anna Gullers are the editors of Forskarnas Anslagstavla. Photo: Håkan Soold.
    Published Mar 29, 2022

    A news feed service is now being launched on Via the Researchers’ Noticeboard, KTH researchers can reach out with research news that is not picked up on the main news feed.

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  • How to deal with war anxiety at work

    Illustration of person looking worried
    Published Mar 29, 2022

    As the level of preparedness in society increases due to threats of war, how do you manage your own and colleagues’ worries at work in the best way? Psychologist Margareta Kucera at Avonova, KTH’s occ...

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  • KTH is preparing to receive Ukrainian researchers

    Portrait of Nina Wormbs.
    The acute security situation requires that we adopt new methods, according to Nina Wormbs, contact person for Scholars at Risk (SAR). (Photo: Viktoria Davidsson)
    Published Mar 29, 2022

    KTH is strengthening the resources needed to receive fleeing Ukrainian researchers. Increased funding for the organisation Scholars at Risk (SAR) and a fundraising campaign for scholarships provide an...

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  • New organisation for KTH support services

    Five different university bulidings.
    The University Administration and the support services at the schools at KTH merge.
    Published Mar 23, 2022

    Eqvivalent, efficient and accessible support services. That is the aim when University Administration and support services at our schools are merged. The new organisation should be in place from 1 Ja...

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  • Design researcher receives the President’s Equality and Diversity Award

    Madeline Balaam
    Published Mar 08, 2022

    The recipient of the President’s Equality and Diversity Award for employees 2021 is KTH Associate Professor Madeline Balaam. Within the newly established research field of interaction design and women...

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  • “We must support those who are affected"

    Portrait of Sigbritt Karlsson, President of KTH.
    Sigbritt Karlsson, President of KTH.
    Published Mar 07, 2022

    Last week, the government called on all universities to discontinue their collaborations with state institutions in Russia and Belarus. What does it look like at KTH?

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  • If a situation feels threatening at work, what should you do?

    Woman holding up her hand with the word "stop"
    Published Feb 28, 2022

    Which situations can be perceived as threatening in a meeting with other individuals varies from person to person. “Our general advice is that if you feel threatened, you should not simply let it pas...

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  • "The mix between research and enterprise is unique"

    silicon plate
    The Electrum lab has been around for 35 years. Photo: Fredrik Persson
    Published Feb 25, 2022

    The Electrum Laboratory is on the KTH campus in Kista. It has been serving both higher education and industry with first class knowledge and technology for 35 years. Electrum Lab Director Nils Nordell...

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  • Latest annual report for reading

    Young peoplein front of a screen showing the globe.
    KTH's students are about as many as last year and the number who have graduated has increased according to the annual report for 2021.
    Published Feb 22, 2022

    Åsa Gustafson, Head of the University Management Office, and responsible for the KTH Annual Report that has now been completed. Why should we read it?

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  • “The Tale Of The Big Computer” will be staged as an opera in the Reactor Hall

    KTH Reactor Hall, R1 with Leif Handberg upper middle in the picture.
    KTH Reactor Hall, R1. Leif Handberg, Associate Professor in Media Technology and Director of R1, the KTH Reactor Hall, upper middle in the picture. Photo: Jann Lipka.
    Published Feb 08, 2022

    A funding campaign is soon to be launched, with ads in social media soliciting contributions for an opera based on Hannes Alfvén’s book, “The Tale Of The Big Computer”. Leif Handberg, Associate Profes...

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  • Time to nominate honorary doctors

    Big black hats and diplomas.
    Doctor's hats, rings and diplomas looking for new honoraray doctors. (Photo: Studio Slakthuset)
    Published Feb 01, 2022

    Anders Forsgren, Dean of Faculty and Chair of the Faculty Council. It is now time to submit names for prospective honorary doctorates. Why should we do this?

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