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"Take the opportunity and vote"

People voting.
Between 4 and 10 December, elections for the schools' Faculty Boards and Faculty Councils will take place. Voting is done electronically (Photo: Mostphotos).
Published Dec 04, 2023

"Take the chance and vote! It is of great importance for the KTH we want to build both in the short and long term."
So says KTH's President Anders Söderholm as the election of members to the Faculty Council and the new Faculty Boards at the schools starts today.

What do you hope for in terms of voter turnout?

"The higher the better for the legitimacy of the boards."

How do you think the new collegial structure will change KTH?

"I hope that it will reduce distance, build cohesion and where collegial influence and responsibility means that the expertise of the college is also used to strengthen the whole of KTH."

How and when will the difference be noticed?

 "We will probably notice it already at the beginning of the year. We will also land the issue of teacher appointments so that those decisions also end up closer to the departments."

Who should you vote for?

Here you can see  in both elections. Between 4 and 10 December, you can vote for members of the Faculty Council and members of your school's Faculty Board.

Parts of the rules of procedure and the rules of delegation as well as the guidelines for the organisation of education have been changed and added to be in line with the new collegial structure. The rules of procedure are decided by KTH's University Board and the rules of delegation and guidelines by the President of KTH. They can be read at Publicering av styrdokument  (In Swedish).

Text: Jill Klackenberg

Belongs to: Current
Last changed: Dec 04, 2023