Clearer career system proposed in new report

The review of KTH's career system has been completed and contains a number of different proposals to create a clearer, more long-term, competitive and transparent system for those who wish to pursue an academic career at KTH.
The study was carried out by Vice Dean of Faculty Nina Wormbs and investigator Ann Fust on behalf of the Presidentr, and a key idea is that skills and tasks should go hand in hand.
" We propose that KTH create three new positions, one Associate Professor outside the career ladder and two research specialist positions. During a transitional period, lecturers with a doctorate would be able to apply for promotion to such a position. This would also apply to some researchers currently working as shadow Associate Professor. Some of them could be given the opportunity to be promoted to senior Associate Professor outside the career ladder," says Nina Wormbs.
What are the advantages of these proposals?
"That more people at KTH have positions that match their skills and responsibilities. If you work as a teacher in practice, it's better if you have the opportunity to apply for a teaching position. And we do not believe that all the teaching positions that KTH might need can be found in the career ladder."
What do you suggest in terms of resource allocation?
"That all teachers, i.e. assistant professors, associate professors and professors, in the career ladder should receive a minimum amount of funding from the Research and Doctoral Education Grant (FoFU)."
And how did you think about the evaluation criteria for promotion?
"It is proposed that a group will deepen this work in the spring. We believe that in the long run it would be better if a associate professor in the career ladder had the right to be considered for promotion to professor, rather than as it is now, a possibility if there is a need at KTH. A bit more like the process we have for assistant professors, but without the same time frames."
How can the proposals affect KTH employees in terms of security, working environment and career opportunities?
"If you get part of your salary from R&I and you know about it, we believe it will create more security and make it possible to plan, participate in collegial activities, apply for funding and other things that some employees currently find it difficult to find time for. For researchers, we are proposing a clearer reorganisation, with these posts funded mainly by external research funding."
The report and proposals will now be discussed at different levels and in different constellations, such as faculty boards, faculty councils and others. KTH President Anders Söderholm comments:
"The report is so clear and so far advanced in its proposals that after dialogue and discussion we will be able to start implementing them and adapting various policy documents accordingly."
What do you hope to achieve by changing the career system?
"Our attractiveness as an employer depends on the clarity of both the terms and conditions of employment, and I believe we can achieve this with the report's proposals.
It will also facilitate the strategic development and renewal of our faculty in the long term, "Söderholm says.
The report Utredning av KTH:s karriärsystem (pdf 668 kB) (in Swedish).
Text: Jill Klackenberg