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Moa-Lisa Björk
Moa-Lisa Björk, librarian and responsible for spring's popular science program at KTH Library Photo: Fredrik Persson

Science for lunch – or on demand

Published Jan 31, 2019

KTH’s broad range of exciting research will soon be available to a much wider audience. When this year’s popular science lectures begin, you can see them live, watch them via live streaming, or stream the recording at a later date.

It is really important that these lectures are strictly popular science, so that all students and employees at KTH can benefit from them,” says Moa-Lisa Björk, librarian at the KTH main library and coordinator of the lecture programme.

First out, on 6 February, is Vania Ceccato , researcher at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment, on the theme .

Lecture in the South East Gallery, The Main Library at KTH Campus

The mix of research fields and lecture themes is carefully thought out. To help with the selection, Moa-Lisa Björk has had a small working group with profound knowledge of the research being conducted at the different schools.

- The programme is based on current research from each school within KTH, with the KTH equality and sustainability goals being factored into the choice of subjects and lecturers.

She gives two examples to illustrate the broad range of themes in the spring programme: artificial intelligence in folk music and sustainable consumption.

- The lectures are intended to inspire curiosity about the research, and topics range from the extremely specific to the universal.

The lectures are largely marketed internally to students and employees.

- The library Facebook and Instagram profiles are important channels. Posters will also be put up at the campus libraries, and we disseminate information on the intranet and locally at the schools through the school communication officers. The lectures given in English will also be shared on the KTH Facebook page.

Each lecture has an audience of between 50 and 75 individuals, and the response has been really positive, says Moa-Lisa Björk.

- As this is a lunch lecture, we are careful to keep to the scheduled 45 minutes. There is usually a line of people afterwards waiting to put questions to the lecturer.

The lectures are broadcast live on YouTube and will usually be recorded too. This means that a lot more people can see them.

- The recorded lectures from previous years can be found on the library’s website and on YouTube. This year, for the first time, we will also be showing some of the lectures on big screen for students and employees.

The aim is to offer KTH students and employees in Kista and Södertälje an opportunity to see two of the lectures on big screens at the two campuses, and Moa-Lisa Björk is also planning, together with KTH in Kista and Södertälje, to stream a popular science lecture from each campus to a big screen at the Main Library on KTH Campus.

- It is in line with the concept of “One KTH” to broaden the opportunities of more students and employees whilst also allowing them to benefit from the popular science lectures held at KTH.

Text: Marianne Norén

Page responsible:Marianne Norén
Belongs to: Current
Last changed: Jan 31, 2019