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Salary review

Joint information from KTH and the relevant unions concerning salary review


Contact your manager or HR Manager at the school for questions regarding salary review.

Trade unions at KTH

Salary statistics

​​​​​​​ Salary statistics KTH 20240828 - non managers (pdf 154 kB) ​​​​​​​

Salary statistics KTH 20240828 - managers (pdf 150 kB) ​​​​​​​

Salary statistics BESTA KTH 20240828 - non managers (pdf 161 kB) ​​​​​​​

Salary statistics BESTA KTH 20240828 - managers (pdf 152 kB) ​​​​​​​

Process modell (Swedish)


Guidelines Salary structure (pdf 65 kB)

Instructions concerning salary level criteria

Collective agreement at KTH (in Swedish)

Framework agreement covering salaries at KTH (2023-2025), valid until 20250930 (pdf 175 kB)

Salary review

Central agreements with Saco-S, OFR/S and Seko regulate salary level setting at KTH.

As an employee at KTH you are entitled to a salary dialogue with your closest manager. The salary dialogue should focus on your work performance during the past salary review year, in relation to current salary criteria. During the dialogue, you have the opportunity to explain your work and contributions. It is important that you and your manager are well prepared to ensure a good salary dialogue.

Central agreements regulate salary level setting at KTH. These central agreements also stipulate an annual salary review.

This years salary review applies from October 1st.

Preliminary schedule salary review 2024

  • From Mid-August: Information regarding the process of salary review at local workplace/team meetings (ATP), is held before salary dialogue
  • September: Salary dialogue
  • From Mid-October: Negotiations OFR/S (ST) and SEKO
  • From Mid-October - end of October: Salary setting dialogue, Saco-S
  • November – December: Negotiations Saco-S, disagreements from salary setting dialogue
  • December: Feedback dialogue new salaries: OFR/S (ST), SEKO and non-organized
  • Week 50-51: Feedback dialogue from disagreements
  • 23nd of December: Payment new salaries

What characterizes a good salary dialogue?

Some success factors are important if managers and employees are to feel that the salary dialogue has worked well. Managers must:

  • Have a dialogue in which employees have been able to discuss their work, results and salaries and have been afforded the opportunity to explain their views.

  • Have explained and justified their assessments.

  • Have made ​​it clear how employees can develop and affect their future salary levels.

  • Shown themselves to be open to further dialogue.

Preparations - important prerequisites for a good dialogue

The prerequisite for a good dialogue is that both the manager and employee are well versed about the purpose of the dialogue and have prepared well, which should include a study of the relevant salary criteria and applicable salary statistics.

Employees should be able to participate in departmental information meetings (workplace or equivalent) prior to salary dialogues. At these meetings, information will deal with the approach and content of the dialogues as well as salary criteria for the department. Preparations should focus on what the dialogue will deal with - the employees' duties, achievements and skills linked to operational objectives and needs, KTH salary level setting criteria and the employee's salary. Consequently the focus is on preparing for the proper objective of the salary dialogue, not preparing for negotiations. The most skilled employees should earn a higher salary, not the most skilled negotiators.

Both managers and employees must contribute to the dialogue, characterized by openness and respect. However the manager, as the representative of the employer, bears the greatest responsibility for carrying out the salary dialogue in the best possible manner.

Read more about the different models for salary setting at KTH in the link below:

About different models for salary setting (docx 58 kB)