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Employment and recruitment

Here you can find our range of staff training in human resources issues such as human rights, equal treatment and discrimination, labor law as well as recruitment and the recruitment system.

Basic labor law 1 & 2 - for managers with personnel responsibility

It can be difficult to know which personnel issues that are regulated by employment law and what obligations/responsibilities you have as an employer representative. This course helps you to understand what responsibilities you have as a manager and what role and responsibilities your employees and trade unions have in different issues.

To education in basic labor law for managers part 1 November 12 (in Swedish)

To education in basic labor law for managers part 2 November 18 (in Swedish)

Basic labor law 1 & 2 - for HR

This training is aimed at those who are HR within KTH. The purpose of the training is to provide an introduction to and orientation on labor law issues that are important to know for you who are HR staff or who work with labor law in other functions within KTH.

To education in basic labor law for HR part 1 November 23 (in Swedish)

To education in basic labor law for HR part 2 November 30 (in Swedish)

Basic training in recruitment system Varbi

Basic training in the recruitment system for you as a new or experienced user that feels that you lack knowledge in the recruitment systems different support functions.

To basic training in Varbi September 24 (in Swedish)

Training in Competency-based recruitment and structured interview technology

Training for recruiting managers and HR.

If there is no current education, or if you wish to conduct your own course at your school or your department, contact Maria Salling, Functional Recruitment and Employer Branding, phone 08 -790 70 80, e-mail:

To Training in Competency-based recruitment and structured interview technology November 12 (in Swedish)

To be chairman / board member

Recruitment at KTH - faculty perspective

The training aims to give an understanding of the role of being a part of a recruitment committee, develop competency in recruitment and evaluation of applicants for promotions and advertised academic positions, and contribute to increased uniformity regarding treatment and assessment of the applicant's qualifications through dialogue and the sharing of experiences between the participants.

The training gives you as a committee member the necessary knowledge for your assignment as well as opportunities for networking and for creating new contacts.

Contact: Katarina Bröms, administrator Academic Positions, Human Resources, e-mail:

More about recruitment at KTH

Introduction to human rights

Web course on human rights from Uppsala University. The training is free of charge, accessible to anyone and is available in both Swedish and English. ​

To the web course Introduction to Human Rights for the Public Sector

Students' rights in the university - the Discrimination Act and equal treatment

The Discrimination Act and the right to equal treatment is a fundamental human right that you can learn more about in this online training course from the Discrimination Ombudsman. The course is aimed at those who study, who teach, who serve students or who plan for equal treatment - at universities and colleges. The program is free of charge and accessible to all but with different entries depending on your role at the university.

The course is only available in Swedish.

Students' right in universities at the Discrimination Ombudsman (in Swedish)

Introduction to the anti-discrimination legislation and the handling of discrimination cases

The introduction is aimed to you who are new to your role as a contact person in discrimination issues and disfavourable treatment in schools. There are designated contact persons at the HR functions and at the education offices at KTH's schools.