Support for your career development
At KTH, there are many opportunities to develop your career. Whether you are a teacher, researcher, doctoral student or work in business support, there is support for planning and developing your career. Contact HR Personalutveckling if you want guidance on what support is available.

Career support for employees
For KTH employees, personal coaching and support in career inventory and life and career planning is offered. You can also develop your career opportunities by expanding your network within KTH, at other universities, with the business community or within the EU.
Contact HR Personalutveckling if you need guidance.
Career inventory and life and career planning
Career planning, self reflection guide, mooc
International EU career

Career support for teachers
Specific tailored support for academic career development is offered under the Tenure track. The academic career path, the Tenure track, starts with a position as Associate Professor, which requires both a PhD and a postdoctoral experience. After about four years, an Assistant Professor is eligible to be considered for promotion to Senior Lecturer, and if successful, to become a permanent employee. After a further period as Senior Lecturer, they can apply for promotion to Professor. The career program within the Tenure track consists of leadership, higher education pedagogy and scientific seminars called Partners In Learning.
Leadership program for associate professors
Higher education pedagogy course 15 credits
Partners In Learning, seminars
Promotion for teachers
Information on how to apply for promotion as a teacher.

Career support for researchers and postdoctoral researchers
Tailored support for research careers with research development framework for researchers career planning and a platform for international job opportunities and network. KTH has been awarded the "HR Excellence in Research" award, which reflects KTH's commitment to continuously develop its personnel policy in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
Unite! Post-doctoral researchers' career corner
EU Job and career platform from EURAXESS

Career support for doctoral students
For students, we offer support in planning your future after your studies. You will acess preparatory seminars, coaching and mentoring programs.
Career support for Students and PhD students
Career Planning Essentials for PhD Students, self-paced mooc