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Ergonomic homework advice

Published Apr 07, 2020

Taking care of yourself and your body is just as important when working from home. Therefore, Avonova occupational health has written some practical advice for ergonomic homework.

Position yourself so that you are not disturbed by incoming daylight and avoid glare or reflections on the computer screen. Daylight should come in from the side.

Pay attention to your postures: sit with a good posture in your back and neck. If possible, bring home your desktop work screen, keyboard and mouse to adjust the workplace to ergonomic basics:

  • Place the upper edge of the screen just below eye level to keep the neck straight
  • Position the keyboard so that the arms can rest close to the body
  • Place the mouse centered in front of your stomach
  • When working with a laptop, it is recommended that the screen is raised, use a rack or pile of books and supplement with a separate keyboard and mouse.
  • Sit near the table with your arms resting close to your body
  • If the table is too high, it is recommended to sit on a pillow or cushion to avoid working with raised shoulders.
  • Switch between sitting, standing and half-lying, with support in the back, neck and arms and with the laptop resting on your lap.

Take frequent breaks at least every hour, preferably every half hour. Take care to perform movements that stimulate circulation in the body effectively. The more and larger the muscle group that is activated, the better the effect will be. You can walk on the spot with swinging arms, perform deep squats with arm pulls or large circular movements with the arms forward and back.

Remember to take a break to stretch and let the muscles in your neck, chest and arms recover. Listen to your body!

Notify your manager if you suspect any inconvenience you might experience is work-related and, if necessary, after consulting with your manager, use a Skype consultation with Avonova's physical therapists.

Remote support from Avonova

According to the agreement with Avonova, all employees have the opportunity to visit the occupational health service three times a year without the company providing feedback to the manager or anyone else at KTH.

Avonova can be contacted via video call. As usual, the employee calls / emails Avonova and book a time. The staff at Avonova assess whether they can book a video call or a physical visit. Phone number: 08-120 125 00, e-mail: