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Common sense and etiquette for email

Published Jan 15, 2021

Email is an important way to communicate but it is also something that creates a lot of stress and irritation. Originating in the 2020 work environment plan, the CBH School has now produced an email guide that can provide guidance on how to use e-mail in your work in the smartest and most efficient way.

School, but the work of producing it has been a collaboration between the communication, HR and IT departments at the school. Lena Niemi Birgersdotter, work environment specialist at the HR department, tells you what to think about before you click "send".

“The email has replaced the phone today, but when we can’t talk face to face, it is easy for what we write to appear harsh. It also remains and can be read over and over again. Keeping it short can work sometimes, but put a little extra powder on being friendly at the beginning and the end of your email, it provides a better work environment.”

“Another important thing to keep in mind is who or what you are emailing. We should not burden each other when we do not have to. If 4 out of 15 people on an email list need the email, it is better to just email them. It takes a little extra time for you to send, but there are many people who do not have to go through the email to understand if it is relevant or not. It will lead to less strain for everyone.”

What is extra important to keep in mind when we work from home?

“Use Slack to take those short questions you would have taken right away if you had passed someone's workroom. And do not forget that question "how are you" sometimes, it may become extra important when we are not seen more than on the screen. Sometimes a phone call can be better and more pleasant, do not forget that.”

Here you will find the CBH School's email instructions

Read more about KTH Slack - The Digital Workplace