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Amelie on the CBH reform agenda

Published Jun 04, 2024

Head of School Amelie Eriksson Karlström writes about the operational dialogue with KTH and how the CBH School will work with faculty renewal and faculty development.

Last week, the CBH School had a business dialogue with KTH's President, University Director, Dean of Faculty and Vice Dean of Faculty. The meeting included a follow-up of the school's finances and forecast for 2024, as well as a reconciliation of how we are doing regarding the educational mission. We also discussed the new reform agenda and how the school plans to work on the activities outlined in the 2024-2026 business plan.

Another important point of the meeting was a discussion on how we are working on faculty renewal and faculty development. A review of KTH's career system is currently being carried out, where an external investigator together with the Vice Dean of Faculty of KTH is reviewing the current Tenure track system for faculty as well as career paths for researchers and assistant professors. The aim of the review is to develop the career system so that there are clearer career paths and a conscious dimensioning of the teaching staff.

At the CBH School, in parallel with this review, we will conduct a mapping of our future needs and available resources. We will try to clarify how different categories of teachers and researchers contribute to the organisation and, on this basis, develop a strategy for future recruitment and staffing. However, since dimensioning is linked to both future career systems and resource allocation models, we need to develop the CBH School's strategy in parallel with the implementation of the KTH joint review.
