Amelie on KTH's Operational Plan
Head of School Amelie Eriksson Karlström writes about the KTH Operational Plan and the CBH S School's reform agenda.
This week, the President decided on KTH's Operational Plan for 2024-2026 . Finally, you could say, as we have been working on the content of this document since last autumn!
The Operational Plan is based on KTH's vision and overall goals for the 5-year period 2024-2028 and contains several parts. One important part is the KTH-wide reform agenda, which describes the areas that the entire KTH will work on during the period. This includes, for example, the recently initiated review of the educational offering, an investigation of the career system and the ongoing reorganisation of the University Administration. This is followed by the schools' and the University Administration's reform agendas, which are based on the KTH-wide reform agenda and describe the prioritised initiatives within each activity.
The CBH School's reform agenda contains activities in four areas: education, research, work and study environment, and efficient use of resources. Some activities we have already started working on, while others will be launched now or later in the 3-year period.